Arjun Suravaram Collections: The investigative thriller drama Arjun Suravaram starring Nikhil Siddharth and Lavanya Tripathi, directed by TN Santosh and jointly produced by Rajkumar Akella and Kaviya Venugopal. which was released on last Friday, is doing decent collections at the box office. On its release day, the movie received positive response by the movie lovers and critics. According to the latest update, Nikhil Siddharth starrer Arjun Suravaram has collected Rs 3.67 Cr shares at the box office of both Telugu States- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana after the successful run of 3 days. Nikhil Siddharth plays an investigative journalist who loses his credentials after his certificates are used for a fake education loan and sets out to clear his name.
The area-wise break up of Nikhil Siddharth and Lavanya Tripathi starrer Arjun Suravaram are as follows:
Nizam :Rs 90.00 Lakhs
Ceded :Rs 46.00 Lakhs
Guntur :Rs 53.00 Lakhs
Vizag :Rs 55.00 Lakhs
East Godavari :Rs 34.00 Lakhs
West Godavari :Rs 28.00 Lakhs
Nellore :Rs 23.00 Lakhs
Krishna :Rs 38.00 Lakhs
Total 3 days Arjun Suravaram AP/ TS Box Office collections : Rs 3.67 Cr shares
Considered as the official remake of Tamil blockbuster Kanithan, the gripping thriller is directed TN Santhosh who has helmed the original version too. Nikhil Siddharth starrer film opened on a strong note in the Telugu states. Nikhil Siddharth is playing the role of an investigative journalist working for a TV channel. His life as a happy-go-lucky guy with a nice family and lovely girlfriend turns upside down when he gets arrested for producing fake Degree certificates and cheating the banks. How he expose the dangerous racket forms the rest of the plot.
Nikhil’s recently released drama is receiving applause from every corner. The movie Arjun Suravaram was initially titled ‘Mudra’ but later the maker changed the title.
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