The horrifying case of rape and murder of a veterinarian doctor Disha in Hyderabad took a shocking turn on Friday morning when the whole country woke up to the news of the Hyderabad police shooting all the four men accused in an encounter. All the four accused – who were allegedly involved in the kidnap, rape and murder of Disha were shot dead by the Cyberabad Police today morning. Megastar Chiranjeevi also welcomed the killings of the four rapists in the Disha’ rape and murder case.
Sye Raa star Chiranjeevi said, “As soon as I heard about the killing of the four rape-accused in an encounter today morning, I felt that it’s instant and social justice. This is a warning bell for all who are involved in criminal activities. With the encounters, Disha’s soul must now rest in peace. This is a lesson for all the people who regard women as objects. The encounters will send shivers down the spine of potential criminals. I appreciate the Hyderabad police and the KCR government.”
Few days ago, Chiranjeevi also released a video, in which he was seen questioning the safety factor in society. He has said, “My heart is bleeding. Are we living among animals? Such criminals should be punished immediately. Justice should be served for Disha. I would not hesitate to call for capital punishment for them. Swift and harshest punishment should be given to the criminals.I wished to see that the accused should get the harsh punishment and even welcomed the likely hanging to death punishment to these accused.”
Finally all the 4 accused Mohammad Areef Pasha, Jollu Shiva, Jollu Naveen Kumar and Chintakunta Chenna Keshavulu, in the rape and murder of the Hyderabad vet Disha have been killed in crossfire on Friday and they were shot dead on the same highway where the body of Disha was found.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood