Bollywood beauty Minissha Lamba might be away from the big screen but the actress surely knows how to hog the limelight. The Bachna Ae Haseeno actress is regular in sharing bikini photos to tease her fans on Instagram. This time once again Minissha Lamba has shared her bold pic in a two-piece bikini. Look at her s*xy pose in a bikini! Definitely its thunders in the hearts and shivers all over the spine, as Minissha Lamba casts a s*xy spell everywhere
Yahaan fame Minissha raised several eyebrows when she posted this bikini pic of her some time ago on Instagram. But her fans totally loved it.
She is flaunting her super s*xy and toned body in this bikini. Unbelievable Hotness in a bikini!
Minissha Lamba has raised the temperature with her latest bikini photo that she posted today on her Instagram handle. She sent pulses racing with her seductive pose.
Minissha Lamba was a short-time Bollywood sensation who started her journey in the Hindi film industry with a small-budget film called Yahaan. Her subsequent releases, Anthony Kaun Hai and Shaurya did not do much for her. In 2008, she set the big screen on fire with her ultra-hot bikini avatar in the Sanjay Dutt and Imran Khan starrer Kidnap. But with time her popularity faded as an actress and gradually she went off-sight from the big screen. Her popular movies are Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd, Bachna Ae Haseeno, Well Done Abba, Zilla Ghaziabad and Bheja Fry 2. In 2014 she also participated in controversial reality show Bigg Boss 8. She has also starred in Himesh Reshammiya’s widely popular song Tera Surroor from the album Aap Kaa Surroor. On the work side, she was last seen in Hindi movie Bhoomi, directed and co-produced by Omung Kumar.
Minissha Lamba is subtly becoming an Internet sensation and this picture is proof.
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