Poonam Kaur responded on the fake tweet by sharing few posts on her Twitter. According to her viral tweet, Poonam Kaur asked Telangana police to punish the actors turned politicians who cheated the ladies like her. Based on this Fake tweet, several media outlets published the news saying that Poonam Kaur tweeted against Jana Sena Chief and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan. Angry Poonam Kaur responded on this issue and said that these tweets are fake. Poonam Kaur fired on media people and said, “The prostitutes are better than presstitutes who are spreading rumors which are tarnishing her image.” Poonam Kaur is now being trolled on social media sites because of her prostitute comments.
Poonam Kaur said, “I have always observed that when ever I am doing my interest of work mostly regarding the social activity at any level and I am intensely busy,there are these group of media people who spread fake news in my name, I am not able to understand this physco behavior.”
Poonam Kaur also added, “The elections are over. The idiots who spread fake articles, still are insecured particularly targeting me and certain personality shows how cheap one can get. Such people are losers #soldmedia . #presstitutes.”
Poonam Kaur further said, “The lady who sells her body for the survival is much better than these presstitutes and the politicians who are incapable ,weak ,insecured and can do nothing good for their surroundings.”
Now Poonam Kaur is being trolled on social media sites and one of netizne named Gani said, “It seems u r selling ur body every day for survival.. B*tches Poora kaam prostitution.”
In the month of April, Poonam Kaur was in the news headlines when she lodged a complaint with the cyber crime wing of the Hyderabad Police because of infamous #PawanLeaks. The leaked audio clips, in which Poonam Kaur was heard talking about actor-politician Pawan Kalyan, his close aide, Trivikram Srinivas and a slew of Tollywood actresses. Poonam Kaur was heard accusing Pawan Kalyan of not just playing with her life but also that of six to seven other actresses.
You are talking about jail jagan pic.twitter.com/v8ZMrAW2D5
— Mabbu lanjakodukulu (@chsrk245gmailc4) December 7, 2019
It seems u r selling ur body every day for survival..
Bitches Poora kaam prostitutionAnnatu meeku monthly salary na,leka tweet ki intha ani isthara#PaidArtist
— Gani (@fuckthisliiffee) December 7, 2019
You are talking about mahameta ysr pic.twitter.com/c0QHDIUsG2
— Mabbu lanjakodukulu (@chsrk245gmailc4) December 7, 2019
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