Rana Daggubati has wrapped up the shoot of his upcoming multilingual drama Haathi Mere Saathi. Baahubali and Ghazi fame Rana Daggubati who is known for his chiseled physique were clicked in a very lean and unrecognizable look in the first look poster of Haathi Mere Saathi, which was released last year. Shriya Pilgaonkar, who will mark her debut in the South Indian film industry with Haathi Mere Saathi took to social media and announced that the shoot of Haathi Mere Saathi is completed.
Coming on the pic, Rana Daggubati is seen with costar, Shriya Pilgaonkar. Shriya Pilgaonkar is the daughter of famous Television actors Sachin and Supriya. She praised Rana Daggubati’s attitude by sharing a post on Instagram. She wrote ‘I feel incredibly grateful to be a part of this upcoming film Haathi Mere Saathi. Rana Daggubati was a student onset and not a star. That’s so rare. I am in awe of his commitment and passion for cinema. This is the first time I was filming in three languages movies which were a whole new challenge.” Shriya Pilgaonkar thanked Eros and Prabhu Sir for giving her the opportunity to work in this multilingual drama.
Rana Daggubati also replied to Shriya Pilgaonkar and wrote ‘Was a pleasure working with you’. This Prabhu Solomon directorial venture Haathi Mere Saathi will be released in Telugu as Aranya and in Hindi and Tamil as well.
Haathi Mere Saathi is all about the story of a mahout and an elephant. It is not the remake of Bollywood movie which was released in 1970 and Rajesh Khanna played the lead role. The story of Rana Daggubati is said to be completely different and he will be seen portraying the role of Bandev in this multilingual big-budget drama, helmed by Prabu Solomom.
Apart from Haathi Mere Saathi, Rana Daggubati will also be seen in Virata Parvam.
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