Bigg Boss Telugu 3 was aired last year on 21st July and it was hosted by King Nagarjuna. It is known news that India has imposed 21 days lockdown and the people are staying at their homes. Now according to the latest update, the 3rd season of Telugu Bigg Boss is also getting a rerun. Bigg Boss 3 Telugu’ rerun went on air on 30th March at 3 PM. Star Maa has confirmed the same by releasing promo on Twitter. 15 contestants -television anchor Shiva Jyothi, Ravi Krishna, Ashu Reddy , TV9 news reporter Jaffar , Himja, Singer Rahul Sipligunj, Comedian-actor Rohini, Choreographer-turned-director Baba Bhaskar, Purnarnavi Bhupalam, Popular actor Hema , Ali Rezza, Mahesh Vitta, Sreemukhi, Happy Days fame Varun Sandesh and his wife Vithika Sheru were locked in the Bigg Boss house for 100 days.
The reality show show also had Ramya Krishna, she hosted two episodes of the show when Nagarjuna was unavailable for his 60th birthday celebrations. Playback singer-indie musician Rahul Sipligunj was the title winner of season 3, whereas Sreemukhi was the first runner-up.
Few days ago, Rahul Sipligunj was in the news headline when he was attacked in a pub with beer bottles by a group. A case was also filed against the group for attacking the singer Rahul. On the otherside, Rahul Siplingunj is making his debut in Tollywood with Krishna Vamsi’ directorial venture.
In these hard time of #lockdown for 21 days everyone feels like being in a #BiggBossTelugu house. So let’s revisit the memories of #BiggBossTelugu3 once again!!!
Mon-Sat at 3 PM on @StarMaa
— STAR MAA (@StarMaa) March 30, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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