In the wake of corona virus pandemic and how to control it, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made video conference with top entrepreneurs and visionaries. Eenadu group chairman Ramoji Rao is one of them and he has talked to Narendra Modi for more than 3 minutes. In his turn Ramoji Rao asked the central government’s involvement in isolation of Rural villages as this comprises of total 65 percent of the population.
At the same time he offered some assistance from his side. As a media person, Ramoji Rao made sure that he is going to create awareness among the people. Also Ramoji Rao requested central government to act with much more intensity. While media will do job from one side, government should intensify it from the other side.
Ramoji Rao hoped that Indian scientists will come up with the vaccine for this virus more sooner than later. Later Narendra Modi thanked Ramoji Rao for his valuable suggestions and the work he is doing in this crisis situation. He also thanked the others who have been a part of this conference and gave their inputs in fighting against this deadly virus. Narendra Modi is going to address the nation today once again.
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