Kalyaan Dev, who is only one movie old, is busy as a bee now. With multiple projects in his kitty, Megastar Chiranjeevi’ son-in-law schedule is chock-a-block till December. Currently, he is busy in the shoot of his second film, Super Machi. It is known news that Kalyaan Dhev made her debut in Tollywood with Vijetha. Recently Kalyaan Dhev has also signed another Telugu film which will be directed by Sreedhar Seepana. Recently Kalyaan Dhev underwent a special organic therapy to reduce weight naturally for Sreedhar Seepana’ directorial venture .
The sources close to the makers revealed that it was Kalyaan Dhev’ decision to reduce his weight because he was very impressed with his role. Actress Avika Gor of Raju Gari Gadhi 3 will be seen playing the love interest of Kalyaan Dhev in the film, which is expected to go on floors after the end of the Coronavirus lockdown period.
Reports are coming that Kalyaan Dev has shed a lot of weight to get ripped in this upcoming film which is touted as an out-and-out entertainer. The movie is produced by People Media Factory and Abhishek Agarwal Arts whereas presented by Geetha Arts 2 Pictures. Kalyaan Dhev will also be seen in a sports based drama, and the details of this film are not yet revealed.
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