Big B aka Amitabh Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Young Tiger Jr NTR, Kamal Haasan, Anushka Shetty, Nagarjuna and Rajinikanth among others have lent their support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘ Janata Curfew and also urged their fans to follow it. Coronavirus cases crossed 280 in our country India, the celebs from all over the country are using their social media sites to spread awareness and stress on the importance of social distancing. The celebs are also showing the people how they are killing time at home.
Narendra Modi calls for Janatha Curfew from 7 am to 9 pm today. Today morning once again Nagarjuna urged the people to make Janatha Curfew a grand success to limit the impact of Coronavirus. Nagarjuna wrote on the wall of Twitter, “ Let’s all clap our hands 5 pm today evening along with our prime minister Narendra Modi.” Meanwhile, people have been staying indoors since morning.
Coronavirus has also affected many international celebrities. Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, Idris Elba, Olga Kurylenko, Daniel Dae Kim, Game of Thrones star Kristofer Hivju, Rachel Matthews, TV host Andy Cohen and former The Bachelor star Colton Underwood have tested positive for coronavirus and they are currently in self-quarantine.
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