The young actor Nithiin was all set to tie the knot with long time girlfriend Shalini who were apparently dating for over 7 years. The couple planned a destination wedding on 15th and 16th of April in Dubai. Now according to the latest update, Nithiin officially decided to cancel his plans of having the destination wedding in Dubai. it is known news that the government of India has decided to stop international travelling due to coronavirus outbreak. There is chance having a low-key wedding of Nithiin and Shalini on the same date. There is no any confirmation about the official date yet.
Last year during an interview Nithiin hinted that he would tie the knot sometime in 2020. This year on 15th February he got engaged Shalini. Shalini has completed her studies in UK.
We have already reported that Nithiin has donated Rs 10 lakhs each for both the Telugu states- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the wake of COVID-19. Now Nitin has become the first actor from Telugu film industry to donate money to the Chief Minister Relief Fund of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
On the work front, Nithiin has Rang De and a movie each with directors Krishna Chaitanya and Chandra Sekhar Yeleti.
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