Harish Shankar rose to fame with action drama Gabbar Singh in which Power Star Pawan Kalyan played the lead role. From there, the director was been working with several stars. Once again after Gabber Singh, Harish Shankar got a golden chance of working with Pawan Kalyan. He is working hard to live up to the expectations of Pawan Kalyan’ fans. The reports are coming that Harish Shankar is scripting a powerful story that will be a perfect mass entertainer to suit the stardom of Pawan Kalyan.
Recently during the media interaction, Harish Shankar revealed that currently he is busy with script work. Pawan Kalyan, who is making his comeback in acting field once again with Vakeel Saab, advised Harish Shankar to take his own time to prepare the script. Once the script is finished, Harish Shankar may narrate the story to Power Star.
Apart from courtroom drama Vakeel Saab, the actor turned politician Pawan Kalyan is also the part of Krish’ periodical drama. After wrapping up these film schedules, Pawan Kalyan may join for Harish’ directorial venture.
Yesterday on the occasion of his director Harish Shankar, donated groceries and other utilities up an orphanage which has 45 kids in total. This is a great gesture from Harish Shankar.
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