Ramya Krishna who has been the part of several successful movies in South and North Indian film industry, is said to be donning a powerful role in her next upcoming film. It is known news that Sai Dharam Tej has joined hands with Deva Katha of “Vennela” and “Prasthanam” fame for an upcoming project. Now according to the latest update the makers have approached Ramya Krishna to play a crucial role and she will be seen playing the role of a powerful female politician. Now Ramya Krishna is going to make her entry in politics.
Currently Ramya Krishna is one of the busiest actresses of South film Industry. Ramya is playing the crucial characters in big projects. The film makers are writing characters especially for her. Sai Dharam Tej and Deva Katha’ film is a political-thriller drama and Ramya Krishna’ role reportedly holds a lot of significance. The reports are also coming that her character will have negative shades in Deva Katha’ directorial venture. In past, Ramya Krishna did a negative character in ‘Narasimha’.
On the otherside, Ramya Krishna will also be seen playing the lead role in her husband Krishna Vamsi’ directorial venture ‘Rangamarthanda’. She is also the part of Akash Puri and Ketika Sharma starrer ‘Romantic’.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2vvUZJs