Vishwak Sen of Falaknuma Das starrer upcoming film Paagal has been launched recently with pooja ceremony and the regular shoot is expected to commence very soon. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, the makers of Paagal are planning to rope Uppena girl Krithi Shetty to play the female lead in Vishwak Sen starrer, which will be directed by debutant director, Naresh Kuppili and produced by Bekkem Venugopal. Radhan is on the board to score the music.
The reports are coming that the makers have finalized Krithi Shetty as the female lead. Incidentally, she is making her acting debut in Telugu film industry with upcoming romantic drama Uppena, which has Vaishnav Tej, the younger brother of Sai Dharam Tej in the lead role, a film that is yet to release. The sources say that the makers of Paagal decided to cast Krithi Shetty after seeing a promotional videos of Uppena.
The actress made her debut with Kannada film and later went on to act in a few Tamil movies. She is pinning a lot of hopes on Uppena which is directed by Buchibabu, one of the prodigies of Sukumar.
Recently it was also heard that Miss India Telangana Simran Choudhary is also the part of Vishwak Sen starrer Paagal. But there is no any official confirmation regarding the inclusion of Simran.
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