Due to coronavirus out break shooting of all the films in India halted and entire film fraternity took a break. With this shootings of various films were put out on hold. Akkineni family too has suffered with this blow. Three heroes from Akkineni family Nagarjuna, Naga Chaitanya and Akhil are doing their respective movies.
It is known that Akkineni Nagarjuna has been doing a film titled Wild Dog in the direction of debutante Solomon. Shooting of the film has been at ending stages now but as reported earlier shooting of the film has been stopped. Even Naga Chaitanya’s upcoming film Love Story in the direction of Sekhar Kammula is in its ending stages. Akkineni Akhil’s Most Eligible Bachelor has finished shooting except for a few days patchwork.
Initially Most Eligible Bachelor was scheduled for April release while Love Story looked at May release. Wild Dog planned its release in the month of June. While the three heroes planned their releases giving minimum gap, with corona virus effect all the scheduled releases took a massive beating.
Due to this it can be possible that three hero films will release within a short gap. How will Akkineni heroes handle this situations needs to be seen.
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