The trailer of XXX Uncensored has been out yesterday across Bollywood producer Ekta Kapoor‘ OTT Platform ALTBalaji. The makers of popular show XXX Uncensored on AltBalaji and Zee 5 are coming up with their next season and dropped the trailer of the upcoming episodes filled with S*x, nu*ity, boldness and sensuality.
The story of XXX uncensored revolves around Shanaya (Thea D ‘Souza) who is in love with Kunal (Paras Tomar) whereas the college guy Arijit (Pratik) is in love with Shanaya. The twist arises in the story as Kunal falls in love with Arijit. With some crazy experiments and revelations, the episode will keep the audience hooked which features Pratik Sehajpal and Paras Tomar along with Ragini MMS fame Thea D Souza in the lead roles.
Another episode will see the story of a guy named Ved who comes from an affluent family and is left alone in the house when Ved’ parents decide to pay a visit to a guruji. The house becomes a party hub with Ved, his friends and their biology teacher Mia, which is followed by a night party, drugs, and drama. The twist arises in the story when Ved’ parents come home early.
The first season explored s*xual relationships and features Shantanu Maheshwari, Kyra Dutt, Aparnaa Bajpai, Rithvik Dhanjani, Ankit Gera, Priyanka Talukdar and Aparna Sharma in lead roles.
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