Director Teja though bounced back with Nene Raju Nene Mantri has scored a flop again with Sita which has Kajal Agarwal in the female lead roles. The director who took some time off has announced two movies. One with Rana Daggubati and the other with Gopichand. The films are titled Rakshasa Raju Ravanasurudu and Alimelu Manga Venkata Ramana respectively. While the projects are in pre productions stages lock down has forced to stop all the activities.
It is now said that director Teja is now in talks with OTT platform Amazon Prime to produce web series content. These are the times where audiences are more addicted to digital content with no alternative present for them. This trend is going to continue for the coming months. So OTT platforms are coming up with alternatives and is coming in touch with directors who direct exclusive content for digital platforms.
It is now said that Amazon Prime is interested to work with Teja and the talks are currently going on. However these are not advanced talks and will take more time to get a clear picture about the digital deal. If this sets going, there will be more similar deals.
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