Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently working for his upcoming actioner drama, which is being helmed by Boyapati Srinu, who is popular for making mass masala movies. Currently the shoot of the film has been stalled due to a coronavirus outbreak. Boyapati and his team are finding it tough to get heroines that can suit Balakrishna’ age and personality. None of the star heroines are showing their interest in romance with Balayya Babu. After a lot of search, finally Boyapati Srinu locked Anjali to play the female lead in Balakrishna starrer.
Boyapati Srinu’ heroines are known for their endless weeping and over emotional antics. Now the reports are coming that Anjali is facing trouble doing such weeping and emotional scenes. The sources also say that the makers asked Anjali to gain the weight for this film. When Anjali started her career in the film industry, she was very chubby but later she worked hard to get slim. And now once again the makers are asking her to gain some weight again.
Miryala Ravinder Reddy is producing the movie under the banner of Dwaraka Creations banner. This upcoming untitled film is bringing Balayya and Boyapati Srinu together for the third time after Simha and Legend, which were blockbuster at the box office.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood