Mega Star Chiranjeevi recently entered social media and he is active from the day 1 on twitter. While many celebrities wished Mega Star on debuting in social media, and Chiru at his witty best gave replies all the celebrities. Director Puri Jagannath too wished Chiranjeevi for being in twitter. Chiru then raised the topic of Bangkok beaches and asked Puri to spend this quality time with his family.
In a recent interview, Puri Jagannath said that Chiru’s tweet is the reason why he got slapped by his wife. After seeing Bangkok beaches, my wife recollected memories of the past and slapped me, said Puri Jagannath in a funny tone. In the same interview, Puri Jagannath said that he is spending time quality time with his family after a long time. He is eating food on time and sleeping on time.
When asked what he is doing in his free time, Puri Jagannath has said that he is writing a story. It is known that Puri is directing Vijay Deverakonda for the film Fighter which is being made on Pan India level. While the shooting is progressing at a brisk pace in Mumbai, it came to halt due to corona virus out break.
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