Few days ago, there were speculations that Pushpa, Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Sukumar’ upcoming film, will also feature another female lead apart from the leading lady Rashmika Mandanna. It was heard that Nivetha Thomas will play the second female lead in Sukumar’ directorial veture but there is no truth in this. The sources close to the film unit have refuted this fresh rumor by saying that Kannada beauty Rashmika Mandanna is the only female lead in the movie. Apparently, there is no scope for a second female lead in action and comedy drama Pushpa as per the script written by Sukumar.
Sukumar’ directorial venture Pushpa is a pan Indian movie which will be released in all the four major South Indian languages and Hindi. Reportedly, Kannada actor Dhananjay and Bollywood actor Suneil Shetty will be seen alongside Stylish Star in Pushpa, which is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers and has the music by S Thaman.
On the otherside, Nivetha Thomas is prepping for the courtroom drama Vakeel Saab which is the Telugu remake of award-winning Bollywood film Pink and has Pawan Kalyan in the lead role, who is playing a lawyer. Nivetha Thomas will be next seen in Nani and Sudheer Babu starrer film V.
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