Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan passed away on Wednesday in Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, where he was being treated for an colon infection. Just hours ago, his spokesperson said in a statement that Irrfan Khan was “still fighting the battle.” Piku actor battled a tumour for several months and returned to Mumbai some months ago after being treated in London. He is survived by his wife Sutapa and two sons. Yesterday, his spokesperson confirmed that the actor had been taken to the ICU and later, dismissed rumors that Irrfan Khan had died.
Irrfan Khan passed away at the age of 53. He has been unwell ever since he was diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumour in the year 2018, and was under treatment for the same.
Actor Irrfan Khan was born to Muslim parents in the village of Tonk near Jaipur. He joined National School of Drama after the death of his father. Actor’ mother, Saeeda Begum, died a few days before his death.
Bollywood filmmaker Shoojit Sircar was among the first to offer his condolences on Twitter. Irrfan Khan is popular for his performance skills. His popular movies are Paan Singh Tomar, Haider, Maqbool, The Lunchbox, Haider, Piku, Hindi Medium, among others.
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