Kiara Advani made successful debut in Tollywood with the film Bharat Ane Nenu. The film is such a huge hit and Kiara impressed every one with her cute looks and decent acting. Her chemistry with Mahesh Babu worked well too. After Bharat Ane Nenu, Kiara has done Vinaya Vidheya Rama opposite Ram Charan. Though the film didn’t succeed as expected, Kiara glamour is added asset to the film.
Post these two movies, Kiara has been getting numerous offers from Tollywood but she isn’t signing any. Actually this sultry siren has been busy in Bollywood. Post super success of Kabir Singh, Kiara hands has been too busy with Bollywood offers. She is interested to sign a Telugu movie but can’t because of the problem of adjustment of dates.
However Kiara recently revealed that she will act in a Telugu movie very soon. She has also revealed her working experience with two top stars of Tollywood. Mahesh Babu is friendliest Super Star, Ram Charan became my best buddy. I have great time working with both of them. Hopefully very soon I will be acting in a Telugu movie is what Kiara has said.
News is that Kiara has been in consideration for Mahesh’s next in the direction of Parasuram.
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