Samantha Akkineni, who celebrated her birthday recently, shared a video clip on microblogging page and thanked Mega Bahu Upasana Kamineni Konidela, the wife of Mega Power Star Ram Charan. During this lockdown period, everyone is staying at their home and spending their time with family members. Samantha Akkineni got a surprise package on the occasion of her birthday by Mega daughter in law Upasana Konidela.
Samantha Akkineni revealed that she received a box of chips packets from Upasana Konidela. Oh Baby girl said, “I can’t believe that you remembered by Chips problem and sent these, a month supply of chips. I love you- Upasana.”
During this lockdown period, when it is getting tougher to fetch groceries, getting lots of chips packets is surely a stroke of luck. Samantha Akkineni shared a video of herself opening the chips box with the excitement.
Upasana who sent a parcel of imported chips packets from her house in Jubilee Hills to Samantha and Naga Chaitanya’ nest in Gachibowli, is really appreciable.
On the work front, Samantha Akkineni will be seen in web series- The Family Man 2 where she is playing the role of a terrorist. She was last seen in Jaanu, the remake of romantic Tamil film 96.
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