SS Rajamouli is brining two top stars of Telugu film Industry- Young tiger Jr NTR and Mega Power Star Ram Charan together on the screen for the first time. Rajamouli, Jr NTR and Ram Charan are working for multistarrer RRR, which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya. Now all eyes are on the birthday treat of Jr NTR from Rajamouli’ directorial venture RRR. Now the reports are coming that SS Rajamouli is planning even bigger teaser for Jr NTR’ birthday which happens to be on 20th May.
Rajamouli is one of the film maker who has ability to generate hype in this Corona crisis. The sources close to the makers revealed that the birthday teaser of Jr NTR would be different from Ram Charan’ birthday teaser.
There would not be any voice over by Ram Charan but SS Rajamouli is planning to have few mass liners in the birthday RRR’ teaser having Telangana dialect. Jr NTR’ who will be seen speaking Telangana dialect is said to be one of the major highlight of the teaser.
The big budget entertainer RRR, which also has Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris and Ajay Devgn, is slated to hit the theaters on 8th January 2021 in multiple language.
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