Payal Rajput who has impressed the Telugu movie lovers with her sensational debut in RX 100 failed to continue with her great stint in Telugu film industry. The actress was last seen playing the female lead in Venky Mama. Though the movie was superhit at the box office but Payal Rajput did not get any big offer from the film industry. Her fans are now expecting her to make a solid comeback after the lockdown ends. Recently Payal Rajput interacted with her fans on Instagram and shared interesting things regarding her personal and professional life. When one of her asked Payal Rajput who in Tollywood she wanted to work with next, to which she replied, “Vijay Deverakonda”.
When one of her fans asked, if she would date her RX 100 co-star Kartikeya, to which Payal Rajput replied, “We are good friends. I like to maintain this friendship.” Now the movie lovers are waiting to see when Payal Rajput’ desire to work with Vijay Deverakonda comes true.
Few days ago, Payal Rajput was in the news headlines when she wore a bold outfit, made out of page 3 newspaper, folded to frills forming top and bottom wrapped around her waist to make a paper skirt.
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