Pooja Hegde who recently featured in Stylish Star Allu Arjun starrer, Ala Vaikunthapurramloo, revealed how her upcoming film with Young Rebel Star Prabhas is based in Europe. Recently the actress travelled to Georgia to shoot for the movie which is tentatively titled #Prabhas20. Pooja Hegde said how they were lucky to be back in India before the lockdown was issued. She also revealed how she took all the precautionary measures when she was travelling and got into self-quarantine post her return to India. Currently Pooja Hegde is staying at the home. During the media interaction, Pooja Hegde spoke about Nani and Prabhas.
When Pooja Hegde was asked what she thinks about Nani, to which she replied, “He is a brilliant actor.” Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghva actress also said that Telugu audiences were her Jeevitham to her fans.
Gaddalakonda Ganesh actress is very excited as she got the opportunity to work with Salman Khan in Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. Pooja Hegde also revealed that her co-star Prabhas is a lot of fun to be with. He is talkative and they had a good time while shooting for the movie.
On the otherside, Pooja Hegde is also romancing with the young actor Akhil Akkineni in romantic film Most Eligible Bachelor.
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