After delivering the successful movie RX 100, Ajay Bhupathi has been trying hard to kick start his next project, which is titled ‘Maha Samudram’. Ajay Bhuptahi has already locked the young actor Sharwanand to play one of the lead role. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, the makers have roped another actor to play the lead role in Maha Samudram and he is none other than Siddharth.
The reports are coming that Siddharth is now finalized as the second lead actor in this intense action thriller, Maha Samudram, which will be directed by Ajay Bhupathi. Siddharth has been in talks for the project ever since Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja was on board. Siddharth heard the script, and as he was very impressed with his character, gave his nod. With this film, Siddharth is making his comeback in Telugu film Industry after a long gap.
Fidaa and Love Story girl Sai Pallavi is the female lead and currently the makers are in the hunt of another female lead for Siddharth. The upcoming multistarrer Maha Samudram will be bankrolled by Anil Sunkara under the banner of AK Entertainment. Ajay Bhupathi is currently busy in giving final touches to the script.
An official announcement regarding the inclusion of Siddharth, will be made after the lockdown gets lifted.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood