Ajay Bhupathi made his directorial debut in Tollywood with RX 100 in which Kartikeya and Payal Rajput essayed the lead roles. Though the movie was superhit at the box office but till date, Ajay Bhupathi did not make announcement regarding his next directorial venture. After the success of RX 100, the director got offers from all the top production houses and actors, but he is strict on his stand to direct a multi-starrer Maha Samudram. The director has already locked Sharwanand to play one of the lead roles and still is in the hunt of other right actor who can do justice for the script. Sharwanand is quite strict and is eager to feature in Maha Samudram. The reports are coming that Sharwa has given free hand to Ajay Bhupathi to lock the other cast
The director Ajay Bhupathi is considering a couple of actors and he will contact them after the lockdown gets completed. After this, the pre-production work of Maha Samudram will be started . The regular shoot of Ajay Bhupathi’ directorial venture is expected to commence from the month of June.
On the otherside, Sharwanand is currently working for Sreekaram, which is directed by Kishore B and produced under the banner of 14 Reels Plus.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2UD3qw3