The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda has raised over Rs 40 lakh through his Middle Class Fund- MCF. Arjun Reddy and Taxiwaala fame actor star took to Twitter, where he shared a spreadsheet showing the amount of donation. Alongside the spreadsheet, Vijay Deverakonda also penned a thank you note.
World Famous Lover actor Vijay Deverakonda said, “In a day you made Rs 25 lakhs into Rs 40+ lakhs. Together we have now reset our goal of 2000+ families to 4000+ families. Today our team was 4, tomorrow we make it 34, so we can reach more people faster.”
Pelli Choopulu star is elated to have raised over Rs 40 lakh through fan donations to support families hit hard due to the nationwide lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Vijay Deverakonda also shared a tweet from the young actor Kartikeya, who donated Rs 1 lakh to The Deverakonda Foundation.
Yesterday Kartikeya shared an 11 minute video clip in which he assured that he will provide employment opportunities and take care of the immediate requirements such as groceries and medicine through his foundation.
According to The Deverakonda Foundation website, the fund has been set up with an aim “to provide relief to affected middle class families during the coronavirus crisis. The fund will help affected middle class families buy basic groceries and essential food items.”
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) April 26, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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