Amyra Dastur, who mostly acts in Hindi movies like Rajma Chawal and Prassthanam, recently celebrated her birthday amid coronavirus lockdown. She is making the most of her free time at home. Amyra Dastur has also acted in few Telugu movies such as Manasuku Nachindi and Raju Gadu.. She was recently interviewed via video-call by a web portal and in the long session, the actress revealed about everything from her quarantine routine to fitness and beauty secrets. During this sessions, her fans asked number of questions to her. When one of her fan asked if she knew the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda. Amyra Dastur replied, “I do, Vijay Deverakonda is actually my Telugu Tollywood actor crush. Because when I saw the movie Arjun Reddy and I was blown away by his performance.”
Amyra Dastur also added, “I would love to do a film with Vijay Deverakonda. But I like to act with him in Hindi film.”
The actress also opened up about her routine in lockdown, her upcoming projects, and more.
Amyra Dastur believes that the best part about the quarantine has been the positive impact on the environment.
On the work front, Vijay Deverakonda is currently sharing the screen space with Ananya Pandey in upcoming action movie Fighter, under the direction of Puri Jagannadh.
Credit: Instagram
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