The anchor and actress Anasuya Bharadwaj celebrated her birthday yesterday, and wishes poured in a big way for her. Anasuya Bharadwaj made her birthday quite useful and did great charity work. On the occasion of her birthday, Anasuya Bharadwaj, with the help of Rachakonda police distributed 100 nutrition kits to the pregnant ladies in the Keesara area of Hyderabad. These kits consisted of Fruits, eggs, milk, Ragi powder, and dates.
Anasuya along with her husband distributed nutrition kits to around 100 pregnant ladies in Keesara. This is Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh Bhagavat’ imitative to support pregnant ladies with nutrition kits during this coronavirus pandemic. Anasuya Bharadwaj came forward to donate about 100 kits. The beneficiaries were being identified through the local Primary Health Care Centre. The nutrition kits have been given to the pregnant ladies in the areas of Jawaharnagar, Malkajgiri, and Yacharam.
This is such a great gesture from Anasuya and we appreciate her for doing such a good job. Rachakonda Police took to their Twitter and tweeted that Anasuya has sponsored healthy kits for 100 pregnant women at Keesara on the occasion of her birthday. Anasuya Bharadwaj thanked the police for allowing her to do this.
On the work front, Anasuya will be seen playing a crucial role in Power Star Pawan Kalyan and Krish’ film.
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