The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda has been doing his bit for the society amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. He is donating the money through his Middle Class Fund and hoping to help over 4000 families. Vijay Deverakonda is not only popular for his performance skills but he is also known for his straightforward.
Rowdy hero of Telugu Film Industry, Vijay Deverakonda has earned a section of fans only because of his bold personality. This time, once again Vijay Deverakonda is in the news headlines. He expressed his anger against the fake news that is circulating on social media. World Famous Lover actor Vijay Deverakonda took to microblogging page and shared a video of him calling out the media houses who wrote against him regarding his contribution to Coronavirus pandemic.
Dear Comrade actor is disappointed with the news articles that appeared in media about his charity activities. Vijay Deverakonda said, “You are welcome to continue trying to destroy my image, and end my career in the film industry, write nonsense about me.” He also said, “I will donate the money whenever I want or whichever form I wish to.”
On the work front, Arjun Reddy star is currently sharing the screen space with Ananya Pandey in action movie Fighter.
— Vijay Deverakonda (@TheDeverakonda) May 4, 2020
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