Today morning the young actor Nikhil Siddharth tied the knot with Dr Pallavi Varma. Nithiin has already announced that he will tie the knot soon. Few days ago noted producer and distributor Dil Raju also got married again. Prabhas’ Baahubali co star Rana Daggubati has also officially announced that he is going to marry Miheeka Bajaj. It is expected that Rana’ wedding will take place in the month of December this year. Now everyone is eager to know that when will Prabhas will tie the knot.
Young Rebel Star Prabhas has become a pan India sensation after the success of SS Rajamouli’ Baahubali franchise. One thing that gets discussed inevitably whenever Prabhas is spoken about his marriage and love life. There were reports that he would get hitched after the release of action thriller Saaho. Although that did not happen, marriage rumors continues to haunt Prabhas. Now, the latest rumor that is doing the rounds is that Mirchi star would get married after the release of his upcoming untitled movie, which is being helmed by Radha Krishna Kumar. Rumors of Prabhas link-up with Anushka Shetty have been doing rounds for many years despite both of dismissing them.
On the otherside, Prabhas is currently leading his quarantine life at home. He is not going to announce any news regarding wedding during this lockdown as people on social media are speculating.
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