In an Instagram live, Tollywood actress and producer Lakshmi Manchu had a conversation with De De Pyaar De fame actress Rakul Preet Singh in quarantine. Rakul Preet Singh is currently staying in Mumbai. To a question of spending time in quarantine, Rakul Preet Singh said that spirituality in her made her to cope up being alone in the house during the lockdown. Laxmi Bomb actress Lakshmi Manchu has revealed that Rakul has been supporting 200 people, who are in need of food, in Delhi with the help of their parents during the lockdown period. Rakul Preet Singh wants to return to Hyderabad once the lockdown is lifted. Is Rakul Preet Singh getting married?
Now the video of Manchu Lakshmi and Rakul Preet Singh Chit chat is going viral on the social media. Coming on the video, Manchu Lakshmi was seen pulling Rakul Preet Singh’ legs saying, “People being single is breaking in 2020”, and her next gesture also gave a hint about Rakul Preet Singh’ marriage. Both were seen sharing the secret but they did not reveal anything regarding wedding.
Earlier during an interview, when Rakul Preet Singh was asked to list of out three important qualities her husband should have, to which she had said that her man should be at least be six-feet tall. He should have a vision. ”
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