Few days ago, noted producer Dil Raju tied the knot and today morning Nikhil Siddharth also married Pallavi Varma in a traditional ceremony in Hyderabad. Now according to the latest update, another actor also tied the knot but he did not announce it before the day. Suddenly, he released his wedding photos and asked for blessings from all the people who loved him in various films.
And he is none other than young comedian Jabardasth Mahesh, who entered wedlock today morning. Jabardasth Mahesh is popular for his impressive performances in the acclaimed films such as Rangasthalam and Mahanati, the biopic of South Indian legendary actress Savitri. Jabardasth Mahesh tied the knot with Pavani at 6:31 am today.
The wedding of Mahesh and Pavani took place in Sivakodu village in Razole, East Godavari. Due to the lockdown restrictions, only a few family members graced the wedding and blessed the newly-weds. The wedding pics of Comedian Mahesh from his wedding ceremony have surfaced on the social media.
Mahesh is popularly known for the reality show, Jabardasth. It is one of the most popular comedy shows on Telugu Television. Mahesh is one of the popular comedian who has established himself in the Telugu film industry. He has also played the lead role in ‘Nenu Na Nagarjuna’.
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