Kamna Jethmalani who made her debut in the Telugu film industry with the movie Premikulu in 2005, had her first commercial success with her third film Ranam. Subsequently, she played the lead role in a number of Telugu-language films such as King, Bendu Apparao R.M.P, Kathi Kantha Rao, etc. In Tollywood, Kamna Jethmalani was last seen in action-drama Chandrika. Now after a long gap of five years, Kamna Jethmalani is making her comeback in Tollywood.
Kamna Jethmalani has been roped in a woman-centric movie under the direction of debutant Prabhu. She signed the untitled film before the lockdown. Kamna will be essaying the role of a mother of a newborn baby.
Kamna Jethmalani married Suraj Nagpal, a Bangalore-based businessman in the year 2014. On her comeback, she doesn’t want to play lead roles as she wants to cater more time to her daughters.
Kamna Jethmalani’s first Tamil film was Idhaya Thirudan in which Jayam Ravi played the lead role. She also did an item number in the Political action film Sainikudu, which was directed by Gunasekhar. She has also acted in Machakaaran opposite Jeevan. Currently, Kamna Jethmalani is working for her Kannada movie Garuda, bankrolled by BK Raja Reddy on Orange Pixels banner and helmed by Dhankumar K.
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