Today morning, TDP MLA from Hindupur and Telugu actor Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna, paid rich tributes to his father, legendary actor, former Chief Minister of United Andhra Pradesh- Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao on his 98th birth anniversary. Balakrishna made sensational comments on film industry celebrities today at NTR Ghat after paying tributes to his father. We have already reported that few days ago, Telugu film industry bigwigs held a meeting at Chiranjeevi’ house. They also met Talasani Srinivas Yadav, Minister for Cinematography, and Telangana Chief Minister KCR to seek permission for the movie shootings
Balakrishna has expressed his displeasure for not inviting him to the meeting with Chief Minister KCR. Lion star Balakrishna’ absence had widely been discussed. When he asked about his absence at the meeting, Balayya Babu replied, “No one had invited me. I have no clue about TFI talks. I too have read about this meeting in the newspapers.”
According to Balakrishna, no one informed or invited him to the celebrities meeting at Megastar Chiranjeevi’ house. Producer C Kalyan supported Balakrishna and said that he should have been informed and invited for the meeting.
Nandamuri Balakrishna did not make any controversial remarks but wished for the Telugu film industry to be back to its usual business. On the otherside, today, Megastar Chiranjeevi took to his Twitter and shared a memorable picture with NTR on the occasion of his birth anniversary.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood