The controversial reality show Bigg Boss is one of the entertaining shows on the television screen. With Young Tiger Jr NTR hosting the first season of Bigg Boss, the show became a super hit. Later, Natural Star Nani hosted the second season of the show whereas Nagarjuna hosted the third season. Now everyone is eager to know about Bigg Boss 4 Telugu. According to the latest buzz, the anchor Varshini Sounderajan, who is popular for her performance in the National Award-winning film Chandamama Kathalu is all set to enter the house of Bigg Boss 4 Telugu.
The reports are coming that the makers of the biggest Indian reality show Bigg Boss 4 Telugu have approached Varshini Sounderajan for the show. Interestingly, the actress was also approached for the third season of the reality show but later dropped the plan due to other commitments. Very soon the official announcement will be made regarding Varshini Sounderajan’ entry into the Bigg Boss house.
Varshini Sounderajan made her TV entry with the game show Patas 2, wherein she replaced Sreemukhi, after she left the show, due to some personal reasons. She is also known for her performance in the movies Lovers, Kai Raja Kai, Best Actors, and Sri Rama Raksha. She was last seen in the movie Pelli Gola 3, which was released in 2019.
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