It is known news that Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu has given green signal to Parasuram of Geetha Govindam fame for an upcoming untitled project, which will go on the floor once lockdown gets lifted. Mahesh Babu’ project with Parasuram is currently the talk of the town. Currently the makers are in the hunt of an actress to play the female lead in this untitled film. The latest rumor suggests that the makers are thinking to cast the overnight sensation Priya Prakash Varrier for the action thriller of Mahesh Babu.
Few are saying that Parasuram has rubbished the rumor regarding the inclusion of Priya Prakash Varrier for Mahesh Babu starrer, called it baseless, and said that casting had not yet been finalized. There were also rumors that Kiara Advani might play the love interest of Mahesh Babu in this film.
National award winning actress Keerthy Suresh was also rumored to be a part of the movie. Well, the fans are awaiting for the official confirmation of the leading lady in the film of Mahesh Babu and Parasuram which is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
The pre-production Work of Parasuram directorial venture has started amid the lockdown, and the shooting will start as soon as the lockdown gets lifted. Currently Priya Prakash Varrier has multiple projects in her kitty. She will be seen in Chandrasekhar Yeleti’ directorial venture Check, alongside the young actor Nithiin.
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