Recently the sensational film maker Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV released the teaser of his upcoming film Climax in which Mia Malkova is playing the female lead. The teaser of Climax has garnered a million views. In 2018, the filmmaker and controversy’s favorite child, Ram Gopal Varma roped in Mia Malkova for his documentary film ‘God, S*x and Truth’. After two long years, once again RGV has joined hands with his favorite star Mia Malkova yet again for Climax. Now according to the latest update, Ram Gopal Varma is going to release a teaser promo of a music video which he shot with Mia Malkova for Climax, at 5 pm today. This news is confirmed by RGV himself by sharing a tweet.
Meanwhile, the trailer of the film Climax will be unveiled on 18th May. Besides the lead actress and the director, details regarding other cast and technical crew of Climax are awaited.
The recently released teaser features Mia Malkova and her supposed love interest in a desert. However, the things turn downhill when the couple enters an area ‘Do not enter’. The teaser of Climax was supposedly a gift from Mia Malkova and Ram Gopal Varma in the terrible time of the lockdown.
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