Noted producer Dil Raju and Nikhil Siddhartha have already tied the knots during the lockdown. According to the latest buzz, Nithiin and Rana Daggubati will be tying the knots in the month of December this year. The young heroes of the Telugu film Industry are entering into the marriage phase. It is also being heard that Mega Prince Varun Tej is also going to marry shortly. With this, the pressure has mounted upon another mega hero, and he is none other than Sai Dharam Tej. The sources say that Sai Dharam Tej’s mother is also pressuring him to get married.
However, Sai Dharam Tej convinced his mother not to talk about his marriage for another two years as he wants to establish his career in the film industry.
In 2017, the rumors were rife that Sai Dharam Tej and Niharika Konidela were getting married. But the Winner actor had slammed the media for the baseless rumors.
On the work front, Sai Dharam Tej will be next seen in the upcoming film, which is being helmed by Subbu. iSmart Shankar fame Nabha Natesh is the female lead whereas B.V.S.N. Prasad is the producer. Subbu is making his debut as a director with this breezy entertainer Solo Brathuke So Better.
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