Pooja Hegde’s recent Instagram story, which took a dig at Samantha Akkineni’s looks, has become the talk of the town. Though Ala Vaikuntapurramloo star revealed that her Instagram account has been hacked and her technical team is putting all efforts to retrieve it. But this post didn’t go down well with Samantha Akkineni’s fans, and they demanded Pooja Hegde to apologize to her. Now, fans of Pooja Hegde have come up with #WesupportPoojaHegde tag on Twitter after Samantha Akkineni now-deleted chat with director Nandini Reddy and Chinmayi Sripaada on Nandini Reddy’s recent Instagram post went viral. The post saw sarcastic comments from Samantha Akkineni and Chinmayi Sripaada.
Samantha Akkineni had said, “Evil, and that’s why you are my best friend.” To which Chinmayi Sripaada replied, “Please Love me too, I am needy. My account is not hacked.” Later Majili girl said, “All the jokes on microblogging page hacking are suspended until further notice.” The trio- Samantha, Chinmayi, and Nandini Reddy deleted the comments in no time. However, the screenshots of their comments are now going viral on the internet.
Yesterday night, Samantha Akkineni posted a new Instagram story, that reads, “Another problem with having a good heart is that people think you are stupid.” The people who have been following the entire Pooja Hegde and Samantha Akkineni’s controversy can understand the real meaning on these lines.
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