Mr Perfectionist Aamir Khan’ team members tested positive and they are being treated in Mumbai. This news is confirmed by Aamir Khan himself as he said, “Some of my staff have tested Coronavirus positive. They were immediately quarantined, and BMC officials were efficient in taking them to a medical facility.”
As soon as he came to know that his team members getting positive, he got everyone tested and their reports turned negative but his mother, Zeenat Hussain’s report is yet to be done. “ PK star Aamir said, “Remaining others have all been tested and found negative for Coronavirus. Right now I am taking my mom to get her tested. She is the last person in the loop. Please pray that my mother is negative.”
By sharing a tweet, Aamir Khan also thanked the BMC officials for taking good care of his family members and for fumigating and sterilising the entire society. Thugs of Hindostan star also thanked the nurses, hospital and other staff at the Kokilaben Hospital for being ‘caring and professional’ throughout the testing process.
Aamir Khan has been living with his wife Kiran Rao and son Azad Rao Khan at his Mumbai residence. Their daughter Ira Khan had joined him during the lockdown and had shared several photographs from their time at home.
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