Super Star Mahesh Babu has ended up five months suspense by revealing details about his next movie. After the block buster Sarileru Neekevvaru, Mahesh Babu has taken few months off without confirming his next project. After that lock down has extended his break.
However on the occasion of Super Star Krishna’s birthday, Mahesh’s next was announced as Sarkaru Vaari Paata which will be directed by Parasuram. Shooting of this film will start in a couple of months. According to the latest update director Parasuram has made lot of changes after lock down has been imposed in the country.
Given the current circumstances it will be quite impossible to shoot in foreign locations and at first director Parasuram has planned 40 days US schedule for the movie. Now this entire setup has been called off and changes were made to the script to shoot in locations in India.
This is going to be the trend for all other movies as well. Writers and directors are making changes to their scripts.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood