SS Rajamouli’ upcoming magnum opus RRR is one of the most awaited movie of Indian Film industry which also has foreign actors in the crucial roles. Young Tiger Jr NTR and Mega Power Star Ram Charan are playing the lead roles whereas Alia Bhatt, Ajay Devgn and Shriya Saran will be seen in the crucial roles. The shooting of Rajamouli’ RRR has been put on hold from the last few months due to lockdown and coronavirus outbreak. The film unit planned a brief schedule last month but that later it was canceled seeing the rise in the COVID cases in the state.
The sources close to the makers revealed that the shooting of the film RRR is not going to start at least till the month of November as they are feeling that the vaccine will be out by that time and it will be the right time to shoot the film RRR then.
RRR is a big budget movie, which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya and it has the music by MM Keeravani. As the makers do not want to take any risk and put their team members at danger, they have decided to resume the shoot by the end of November. So, there will be delay in the release of RRR, which is a bad news for fans of Jr NTR and Ram Charan.
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