Telangana government brought some relief to Tollywood by relaxing the restrictions and allowing them to resume shooting . However, the state government had also asked directors SS Rajamouli and Koratala Siva to hold the indoor and outdoor mock shoots and present the video to them to understand how it actually works. But later Rajamouli canceled the trial shoot of upcoming film, RRR – Roudram Ranam Rudhiram, due to the sudden rise in Covid-19 cases across Hyderabad. As SS Rajamouli felt that it might affect the health of his team members and decided to cancel the shoot.
RRR has global actors like Olivia Morris, Ray Stevenson and Alison Doody to play important roles in the film which has Jr NTR and Ram Charan in the lead role. With the Coronavirus crisis not at all ending Rajamouli is facing the trouble to brought them on the Indian shores to participate in the shoot. The international flights are expected to fly shortly. But the visas, and safety will be a headache amid COVID19 outbreak.
Earlier it was heard that he was in search of real locations of forts to can the combination scenes of actors Ajay Devgn, Ram Charan and Jr NTR.
Alia Bhatt is on the board to play the role of Sita opposite Ram Charan in RRR, which is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood