Telugu actor Bharatwaj Rangavajjula has tested positive for Coronavirus. This news is confirmed by the actor himself on the social media. The Swatichinukulu and Bandham fame star also requested his co-stars from both the shows to get tested for Covid-19. Bharatwaj Rangavajjula took to his microblogging page to post a video and confirmed that he has tested COVID-19 positive.
Actors and technicians of both the teams – Bandham and Swatichinukulu were sent to quarantine. In the video, Bharatwaj Rangavajjula urged everyone to not panic and spread negativity as this can be cured with medication, proper diet and following the necessary guidelines. The Telugu actor also asked for everyone’s blessings for his recovery.
As soon as Bharatwaj Rangavajjula posted the video, his fans commented on the Instagram post and wished him a speedy recovery.
Five Telugu Television actors have reportedly tested positive for Coronavirus. Jabardasth judge Roja Selvamani is currently under self-isolation as one of her bodyguards tested Coronavirus positive. Ace Television host Jhansi was also under self-isolation after actress Navya Swamy tested positive for covid-19.
The actress and politician Roja Selvamani, who is one of the judges in the TV show Jabardasth, has been advised to quarantine herself after one of her bodyguards tested positive for Covid-19.
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