Akhil Akkineni, the younger son of King Nagarjuna, has an immense fan following among the young girls. Now, according to the latest buzz in the film industry, the popular TV show host and actress Vishnupriya Bheemeneni of Pove Pora fame is a huge fan of Akhil and wants to marry him. It is revealed by Popular host Shree Mukhi, who is very close to Vishnupriya. Shree Mukhi and Vishnupriya are good friends and share good rapport.
Vishnupriya started off her career participating in the dance reality show Vodafone Thakadimi. The actress has played supporting roles in various films. She made her debut in Kollywood with the movie Naanga. Vishnupriya was last seen in Tamil film V1, which was helmed by actor Pavel Navageethan and was released in 2019.
Recently Sree Mukhi attended an interview and revealed that Vishnupriya is a mad fan of Akhil Akkineni that she even wants to marry him if she gets the opportunity.
Sree Mukhi added, “If God appears in front of my friend Vishnupriya and asks her to make a wish, in this situation, she will ask God to make her wish of marrying Akhil come true. Vishnupriya even got Akhil’ name tattooed on her wrist.
Meanwhile Akhil is working with Pooja Hgede in romantic movie Most Eligible Bachelor.
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