It is known news that currently Koratala Siva is working with Megastar Chiranjeevi for an upcoming social message oriented movie Acharya, in which Kajal Aggarwal will play the female lead role. The makers have already released the motion poster recently on the occasion of Chiranjeevi’ birthday and now everyone is eagerly waiting for its teaser. Now the reports are coming that Chiranjeevi was not the first choice of Acharya. Initially Koratala Siva wanted to make his debut in Hindi film Industry with Acharya and wanted to rope Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan aka Big B.
However, producer Sudhakar who is close to Koratala Siva asked him to approach Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi. So Koratala changed his mind as he also has been waiting for a long time to direct Chiranjeevi. In this manner, Megastar Chiranjeevi replaced Big B aka Amitabh Bachchan.
Koratala Siva has wrapped up 40 percent of the shoot of Acharya and the regular shoot will be resumed in Ramoji Film City soon where some crucial scenes will be shot. Rangasthalam star Ram Charan will play an extended cameo and the reports are coming that the makers are planning to rope Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor opposite Ram Charan. Chiranjeevi will be seen in two roles, a Naxalite and an employee in the Endowments Department, in this social message oriented movie.
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