Bollywood actor Sushanth Singh Rajput‘s case is taking many twists and turns. Though it has been more than 2 months that the unfortunate thing happened, still the case is unsolved. The reason behind his suicide is still unknown. The mystery is getting deeper with each passing day. Currently, there are a lot of conspiracy theories and the news channel’s over-enthusiasm in the case is only creating more problems. Popular journalist, Rajdeep Sardesai took a long interview with Rhea Chakraborty and it projects the actress in a different light.
On the other side, CBI’s investigation is still going around. The other day officials have grilled Rhea Chakraborty for about 10 hours. They have ordered the actress to present before them again on a later date. Apparently it is said that CBI focussed on 10 questions and checked whether there have been any indifferent answers. They have questioned Rhea’s brother Showik as well. It is known that Sushanth’s father KK Singh has alleged Rhea Chakraborty for his son’s suicide.
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