The young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda is among the most loved actors from the film industry. It is known news that last year he worked with Kannada beauty Rashmika Mandanna in Dear Comrade, which was just average at the box office. But now according to the latest update, Dear Comrade has created a massive record on the YouTube. The film’s Hindi dubbed version of Dear Comrade starring Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna, which released with the same title, has now clocked a whopping 2 million likes, and has become the first ever Indian movie to achieve this feat.
The Hindi dubbed version of Dear Comrade had its digital premiere on YouTube in January this year. The romantic movie has amassed a solid 160 plus million views within 7 months of its digital release. The movie Dear Comrade is directed by Bharat Kamma and bankrolled under the banners of Mythri Movie Makers and Yash Rangineni’s Big Ben Cinemas.
Both Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna enjoy a massive fan following on their respective social media handles. Vijay was last seen in World Famous Lover, which was helmed by Kranthi Madhav. Meanwhile, Geetha Govindam star will be seen as the lead in the upcoming film Fighter under the direction of Puri Jagannadh.
Lilly & Bobby #DearComrade
— Mythri Movie Makers (@MythriOfficial) August 28, 2020
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